Backup and Disaster Recovery

Professional IT Network Disaster Recovery and Planning

Businesses today are increasingly operating in a 24x7x365 fashion. Downtime for IT services is costly and difficult to work around. Rymer can help you business increase uptime by implementing a variety of services.

Offsite Distaster Recovery

Rymer offers off-site Distaster Recovery (DR) to bring your services and data online at a remote data center in the event of a distaster situation. Data is replicated in real time to the DR environment to ensure that your data is available and ready for you if (or when) disaster strikes.

Managed Backups

Regular backups are integral to your success. Rymer automates regularly scheduled backups - and in the unlikely event of a failure, we're also able to perform quick local recovery. We can provide off-site recovery to counteract a total site disaster. Either way, we'll have you covered. And you can say goodbye to tedious tape backups.

High Availability

Rymer can design and implement a solution that provides real-time redundancy and fail-over of critical services. Adding site resiliency to the solution can provide uptime in the case of power, ISP, or application failure.